We all know you've been planning your Fourth of July menu, complete with festive drinks, tasty appetizers, and plenty of desserts. But maybe you forgot a jumbo box of paper plates, or you want to stock up on the best summer beer. Looks like you need to make a trip to Costco.

Ideal for buying in bulk, Costco is a great place for stocking your kitchen and gearing up for a party. We're big fans of its cost-effective sheet cake, among other treats. In the end, you wind up asking yourself, Wait, is Costco open on the Fourth of July?

I hate to break it to you, but unfortunately all U.S. Costco warehouses will be closed on the Fourth of July. Costcos will be open all weekend before the Fourth, though, so you can stock up ahead of time. But if you can swing it, Laura Lamb of Costco Hot Finds suggests shopping at Costco on a weekday to avoid the inevitable crowds ahead of the holiday.

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Write out your list and plan your trip, and don't forget some of the party essentials like canned cocktails, hard seltzers, and plenty of snacks. Happy Fourth!

Headshot of Allison Arnold
Allison Arnold
Associate SEO Editor

Allison Arnold is the Associate SEO Editor at Delish, where she writes about kitchen gadgets and food and culture. She likes exercising almost as much as eating, and has a thorough Google Maps ranking system for her favorite restaurants and bars. You can find her spewing hot takes on the food world and planning her next trip, all with multiple cans of seltzer open at a time.