Actor Pedro Pascal is best known for The Last Of Us, Narcos, Game of Thrones, and having a highly-caffeinated Starbucks order. On a recent episode of Hot Ones, Pascal revealed gory details from the Game of Thrones set and his thoughts on New York City's Mexican food—all while eating some seriously spicy chicken wings.

"I was really good around spicy food as a young man and [with] young internal organs," he said before trying some hot wings. "I don't know if it goes so great anymore. We'll find out."

Pascal faired pretty well as he tasted his way through the first few wings. He told stories from set, like the time he worked with a puppet for The Mandalorian and the mechanics of getting his eyes gouged out during a fight scene in Game of Thrones—during which the actor admits he was "dead asleep."

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For the scene, fake blood was pooled all around him. Artificial pieces of flesh were also placed all over him. "It was so hot and this stuff was so cooling to the touch, and you had to be really, really still, and that was the most relaxing," Pascal said. "It was very cathartic and I went into the deepest sleep I've been in."

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"I realize now because I'm not a very good sleeper, I need to be laid out with pieces of flesh, gelatinous, cool-to-the-touch face meat and pooling blood and maybe I'll finally get a good f*cking night's sleep," he said. Okay, but maybe his sleeping habits have something to do with his iced quad espresso Starbucks order, which has the equivalent of about 384mg of caffeine.

Ultimately, it was the The Bomb Beyond Insanity hot sauce (with a Scoville level of 135,600) that made him reach for a glass of milk. He gargled it and then admitted, "I f*cking hate milk."

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Host Chris Evans asked, "What makes Captain Crunch the top dog of breakfast cereals for you?"

As he put ice to his forehead, Pascal responded, "Captain Crunch is just so tasty."

"It makes you think about your childhood, and I would do anything to go back there right now," he jokingly said while patting his head with a napkin.

Pascal was born in Chile and grew up in Texas and Southern California, both famous for their regional Mexican cuisines. But the New York local isn't so sure about his city's Mexican food.

"There's no good Mexican food in New York," Pascal said. "Come for me."

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First We Feast / YouTube

Toward the very end of the episode, the interview took a turn—and not because of the spicy wings.

"Why is Prince's 'Purple Rain' the song you'd most want to hear at your funeral?" Evans asked, referring to a tidbit revealed by Pascal during an interview with NME.

"It's my favorite song. It's the most moving song," said Pascal, noting he's implemented it as part of his spiritual routine. "I didn't go to church—I was raised by HBO, Spielberg, and Prince. And for me 'Purple Rain' is the most emotionally cathartic, the most musically sophisticated song that I can think of."

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Allison Arnold
Associate SEO Editor

Allison Arnold is the Associate SEO Editor at Delish, where she writes about kitchen gadgets and food and culture. She likes exercising almost as much as eating, and has a thorough Google Maps ranking system for her favorite restaurants and bars. You can find her spewing hot takes on the food world and planning her next trip, all with multiple cans of seltzer open at a time.